You won't believe this, but we just put our tree up this morning! I am one of those people that waits until Christmas Eve to get a tree and put it up. Well this year I decided to get one at least a couple of days before.
This year I wanted a table topper that was of the spruce variety (or something along those lines). It would have uniform branches that reached for the sky in a sort of uplifted arms fashion. I have seen a couple of photos here lately and fell in love with the idea. I had visions of going tree hunting in the woods or maybe a tree lot where they offered hot chocolate and a pot bellied stove outside for warmth. Then we would wind up with this really beautiful tree that fit the description of the one in my head. I thought that was going to work out until I ran across this Craigslist ad where a family had lost their job and he had just had surgery. They had two young boys and a ton of trees that they were just giving away to get them off their front lawn (which is totally buried in snow). In our town here, there were a lot of people trying to make a few extra "bucks" on trees so supply and demand was a little out of whack, leaving them with a ton of trees. Needless to say we bought one of the trees from him while standing in a snow laden housing complex with not a bit of the Christmas atmosphere I had hoped for. We did however receive the reward of knowing that we tried to do our tiny part in bringing cheer this Christmas! Hope you enjoy our Charlie Brown tree all dressed up for the holidays!